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Doctor of Occupational Therapy - Admissions & Application

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Start Your Application Online - You have options!

Option 1: OTCAS (open July - June)


Option 2: Roberts Application (free and open all year)


When Can I Start?

Fall 2024 Application Deadlines:

  • Priority deadline: November 1, 2023
  • 在此日期之后,将接受滚动申请,直到课程容量满足为止.

Note: Roberts also has Early Acceptance Programs with several partner institutions.

Admissions Requirements

  • 在完成学士学位的最后一年或已经完成学士学位的学生可以申请该计划.
  • 所有学士学位课程必须在课程开始前完成.
  • 学习必须包括三年或三年以上的本科或研究生课程.
  • GPA: Cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 on a scale of 4.00.

  • 必须在进入研究生课程前十年内完成吗, or based on Program Director review. 
  • 招生委员会寻找具有B- (B-)或更高成绩的先决课程的候选人.

  • If you choose to submit GRE scores, indicate Roberts Wesleyan University's GRE Designated Institution Code, 2759, as a score recipient.

  • 至少30小时的临床观察或相关经验证明, volunteer work, and/or work with an occupational therapist practitioner.

  • 两封专业人士或大学教授的推荐信,可以说明候选人的学术能力.

  • 一份个人陈述,说明候选人为什么选择职业治疗作为职业,以及这个学位如何与他们的近期和长期职业目标相关. The candidate should describe how their personal, educational, and professional background help them achieve their goals. 一篇两(2)页或更多的文章(双倍行距)将被认为是有竞争力的.

  • Interviews will be offered on a rolling basis.


招生委员会寻找具有强大的文科背景,完成以下先决课程,成绩为B- (B-)或更高,并且在过去十年内的候选人:

Anatomy & Physiology I with lab (4 credits)

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 4
Description: 这是两个学期的第一门课程,主要是考虑人体的结构和功能,重点是肌肉骨骼, cardiopulmonary, and nervous system. 在这两门课程中,包括了对所有主要身体系统的讨论.

Anatomy & Physiology II with lab (4 credits)

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 4
Description: 第二学期的课程序列考虑人体的结构和功能,重点是肌肉骨骼, cardiopulmonary, and nervous system. 在这两门课程中,包括了对所有主要身体系统的讨论.

General Science with lab (4 credits)

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 4
Description: Coursework provides an overview of topics in science. Topics may include cell structure and function, ecology, animal physiology and behavior, plant anatomy and function, genetics, human biology, physics, chemistry, and other topics in the sciences.

Introduction to Psychology, Lifespan or Human Development (3 credits)

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 3
Description: Coursework provides (1) an overview of the physical, intellectual, social, emotional aspects of the developing individual from prenatal, adulthood, 老年或(2)广泛的心理学指导,包括关于人类发展的信息或理论.

Anthropology or Sociology (3 credits)

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 3
Description: An intro. to anthropology, a study of the development of human societies & cultures OR an intro to sociology, a study of social interaction & its products, incl. 对社会进程、制度、文化、个性和/或社会变革的分析.

Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 3
Description: Course includes the nature and trends of mental maladjustments, causes, and treatments, 通常包括对影响心理健康的因素的关注.

Statistics (3 credits)

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 3
Description: 本课程介绍描述统计和推论统计, and typically covers descriptive analysis of data, correlation & regression, sampling distributions, central limit theorem, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, etc.

Medical Terminology (at least 1 credit)- highly recommended

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 1
Description: 本课程通过结构分析介绍医学词汇和术语, including prefix, suffix, root, connecting & combining forms. Medical meanings applicable to the structure, function, and diseases of the human body are typically emphasized.

Research Methods (3 credits) – highly recommended

Min Grade: 2.7
Min Credits: 3
Description: 课程介绍了科学方法和研究设计. 重点通常放在科学研究的设计和实施上, with results approached from the standpoint of use and interpretation.

Admissions Process

  • Submit your application through the Roberts website or in OTCAS.
    • 在OTCAS中,您的申请必须经过验证和完整,包括所有补充问题.
    • OTCAS has an application fee.
    • For any questions about the receipt, processing, and verification of your application, 请致电(617)612-2860或otcasinfo@otcas与OTCAS客户服务部联系.org.
  • While our admissions committee reviews your application, 美高梅mgm平台鼓励您通过浏览美高梅mgm平台的网站并与您的招生协调员交谈来熟悉罗伯茨. (Text/call Stephen Robson at 585.454.9265 or email OTD@fulyamsigorta.net)
  • 符合条件的候选人将被邀请与教师进行个人面试, scheduled on a rolling basis until cohort is filled.
  • 预计在面试后10天内收到录取决定的电子邮件.
  • 如果被录取,请提交您的押金,以确认您决定参加罗伯茨并保持座位.


If you have courses still in progress when submitting your application, 完成这些课程后,请将修改后的官方成绩单直接寄给美高梅mgm平台.

If applying via OTCAS:

Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service (OTCAS)
P.O. Box 9120
Watertown, MA 02471

If applying via Roberts website:

Electronic: age-admissions@fulyamsigorta.net  
Mail: Roberts Wesleyan University
Attn: Graduate Admissions (OTD)
2301 Westside Drive
Rochester, NY 14624-1997

Transfer Credit

在下列情况下,申请人可以将在其他地区认可的学院或大学获得的最多15个研究生学分转移. The program director, in collaboration with the faculty committee, 将计划的转移教学大纲的内容与美高梅mgm平台项目的可比教学大纲进行比较. 转学分课程的内容必须符合所有acte标准,并且与可能被放弃的课程中包含的课程严格程度相当,以便与可能被放弃的课程进行学分转移. 然后,项目主管将决定课程学分的可转移性. 

  • The grade is B or higher
  • The course forms an integral part of the degree program
  • The course corresponds to a course in the Roberts OTD program, demonstrated by the students by providing catalog course descriptions, course syllabi, and, upon request, completed assignments for the courses being considered for transfer.

Additional Information

  • 职业治疗是一个对身体要求很高的职业,需要一定水平的身体能力,这是在野外工作环境中成功表现所必需的.
  • 大多数野外工作地点可能需要提供免疫接种和身体健康证明.
  • 重罪定罪可能会影响毕业生参加国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)认证考试的能力,该考试是获得州执照所必需的. 有关更多认证信息,请转到程序和实践选项卡,或访问 http://www.nbcot.org/.
  • Technology requirements can be found here.
  • Need housing? Please contact AGE-Admissions@fulyamsigorta.net for a list of housing options near campus, or visit lai.fulyamsigorta.net/GradHousing for on-campus housing for full-time, graduate students.
  • 对于兼职轨道选择,请咨询美高梅mgm平台的招生协调员,斯蒂芬罗布森在 robson_stephen@fulyamsigorta.net.